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Paper Crafting


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« Paper Flowers | Main | Back To School... 283 Days Until Summer »

August 31, 2007



I have one rock like this. My son made it in grade school. When I was going through his box of memories I found it. We all had a laugh. Adam (24) said it was his first piece of art work...he's an artist by hobby. It was great.


A very cool it. DS#1 found a heart shaped rock once and I think I'll clean it up so the boys can sign it. Thanks for the idea


My dd loves picking up cool rocks. I'll have to try this with some of the bigger ones for her.


Very fun idea! Thanks for the suggestion!


Patty.......that is a great idea!!! Brooke has been collecting rocks in a box 4-ever and she was so sad when i told her she had to pick just a few to i can show her how to make them even more special.....Thanks!!!!!!!

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