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  • I’m a wife, mom, sewer, crafter, and designer. Here’s where I write about making pretty stuff, being creative…and a few details of my family life.

Paper Crafting


February 2011

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September 04, 2007


michelle lanning

OMG - so cute pattye!

Kelly Jo

This is so cute! I want to 'alter' a clipboard, but have no idea where to start. Can you share some 'How tos'?
I'd also love the countdown to summer. My DH is a teacher and today was the 1st day of students. He will be very impressed that I can tell him how many days until Summer. =)
Thanks for Sharing!


Fun projects!


i love clipboards........need to remember that calendar idea, how fun!!!! I'm sure the teacher loved it all. thanks for sharing........

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