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  • I’m a wife, mom, sewer, crafter, and designer. Here’s where I write about making pretty stuff, being creative…and a few details of my family life.

Paper Crafting


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March 13, 2008


Debbi Pfau

We are so excited for you too! I can't believe it is already 20 weeks. The little man will be here soon and I can't wait!

Carolyn Mcavoy

Quinn is an awesome name...It is becoming popular here in Arkansas...My Youngest almost 16 (April 20th) His name is Marshall, it's a strong name and he didn't grow up with several kids in class named Marshall....I do love Quinn we have our best friend named Quinn and of course his son...I tried to stay away from popular names for all 3 of my children....

cathy walker


I am so excited for you and your family!!!!


Alexandra Martinez

It is such a heartwarming picture. I am glad you and your family are doing well. I can't wait to see the wonderful quilt.

God bless!

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