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  • I’m a wife, mom, sewer, crafter, and designer. Here’s where I write about making pretty stuff, being creative…and a few details of my family life.

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March 01, 2008


Just a Flipflop Mom

Oh these do look delectable!!! YUM YUM

Just a Flipflop Mom

Oh these do look delectable!!! YUM YUM

Just a Flipflop Mom

Oh these do look delectable!!! YUM YUM

Just a Flipflop Mom

Oh these do look delectable!!! YUM YUM

Carolyn Mcavoy

YUMMY! Have to try those...TFS


These look really good. Thanks for sharing. Do I need a big can or a little can of pumpkin?

Chris M

Hi, I've just been admiring your wonderful blog -I jumped over here from Scrap Scene. I am intrigued by this recipe and would like to try it but am unsure about the pumpkin bit. Do you mean pumpkin soup in a can? I'm in Australia, so maybe can pumpkin is something only the US have? Not sure if I'll find spice cake mix over here either, but I'll try.

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