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  • I’m a wife, mom, sewer, crafter, and designer. Here’s where I write about making pretty stuff, being creative…and a few details of my family life.

Paper Crafting


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August 13, 2008


Kim Stewart

Oh, he's gorgeous! What a pose for that photo! Makes me want to pick him up and squeeze him know very well how quickly they grow up!


He is such a cutie!


I love that quilt! Vintage?


Wow, I can't believe how big he is! You can really see his personality already, the little HAM!!!! ;)

Sarah C.

How precious! Happy one month! :)

Angela Daniels- Fiskateer #009

He is such a cutie!

Love that name stitching idea too...

Glad you liked your package. But I am serious. I believe in re-gifting if you need to =)

cathy walker

wow, one month passed already!!!!

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