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August 05, 2008



From the episode I saw of you on SBL where you spoke of your mom and the importance of journaling, I have often thought of your heartfelt words when I write my love letters to my kids. You were so right about the handwriting and about telling them everything you feel. What a lovely inspiration you are to others. One day, I imagine your mom will tell you how lovely you are and what a blessing you have been to people, even those who don't even know you. I will say a little prayer for you. Meredith

Sarah C.

Wonderful post! You are absolutely right - our simple memories and feelings jotted down in our scrapbooks are a precious gift to our loved ones. Sometimes those true feelings are difficult to share. I'm sure your mother loves & treasures you even if the words aren't always there.


I couldn't agree more. Journaling is certain;y one of my passions, too!

Jen Martakis

Thank you for that wonderful reminder. You are so very right. I have a letter from my father that I cherish dearly.

PaperCutting Kind of day

Congrats on that new little one - WAYYYY too cute! As for the journaling and thinking of your mom - my mom is gone now and there are so many things I wish I knew now that we never thought to ask her. If she had written down more things we would have some clues on photos, etc.

emily pitts

pattye, thanks for the comment on journaling. i remember you talking about this a bit ago, on the BHG webisode. it really struck me then too. i really try to incorporate myself in my scrapping too, for the same reasons. i was able to scan some old photos of my grandmother with her parents and imagine my happiness to find my great grandmother's handwriting on the back of a few of them. it is truly precious.

congratulation of your little boy. what a sweet addition!

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