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« Happy Halloween | Main | Happy Election Day! »

November 01, 2008


Marie Starr

That handbag is gorgeous! Your work is awesome. If you are making something for everyone, you most certainly will have your hands full, but they will truly appreciate them.


Andrea (Creative Junkie)

omgosh, that is so pretty!

30 nieces/nephews? Holy heck, I was complaining this past weekend because we have five!


Wow, that's a lot of gift giving!!!Beautiful bag. Whoever receives it will be so lucky.


Very cute bag! I totally understand you.....I have quite a few gifts to give out too. I'm a little late for making gifts for everyone, so I'll make as many as I can given the time frame. But next year, I'll make all my gifts. I think the gifts become even more special when they're handmade.


sandra collins

beautiful bag


I'm planning to make a lot of my gifts this year as well. It's more thoughtful :) Great job on the handbag.


I LOVE the polka-dot lining!

I'm Sarah, and I am a member of Sew Craft Blog group number 2 with you! Look forward to getting to see the rest of handmade holidays!

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