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  • I’m a wife, mom, sewer, crafter, and designer. Here’s where I write about making pretty stuff, being creative…and a few details of my family life.

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June 05, 2010



Hi Pattye!!! Sue O'Dowd told me about it and i love what you stand for. I watched your video and voted for you! You go girl!!!


Thank you Illyse. Its really not about me at all and it took me a while to get up the courage to post it. I love the idea but dont like watching me talk. So I took a deep breath and did it.

I am doing this for you and all the teachers that really care about our kids. Thank you for what you do. Not all teachers care. They just show up! Kinda like not all parents care. I really have been effected by these cuts and very concerned.

I am hopeful teachers will stand behind this too. Thanks for watching and voting! You can vote as many times as you would like! Tell anyone (nice people, I am hard on myself enough) to watch and vote! This would be awesome for the education system! Oprah $ is huge!!!

Thanks again,
Pattye Duffner

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