If your little one likes to color as much as mine do this crayon apron is a handy way to hold your crayons…
Materials Needed
Two pieces of 13 ½ ” X 17 ½ ” for the body
One piece of 4 ¼” X 13 ½ “ for the pocket
47 ½” of decorative ribbon
Matching the right sides of the body fabric, sew together ¼ “ seam allowance along the 2 long sides. Fold the pocket in half long way, press and sew together. Unfold the pocket pieces and press. Cut and sew on decorative ribbon to front of pocket along the length.
Aligning raw edges on both sides. Input the pocket to the body. Leaving a ½” opening on both sides for turning, sew the sides together. Make sure to catch the pocket, turn right side out and press. Cut the remaining decorative ribbon in half. Topstitch around the apron ¼” from the edge including the ribbon ties on the topsides. Sew from top to bottom every 1 ½” to divide the pocket into sections.
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